Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Monday, September 10th Plan Commission Meeting - 7pm

What a great turn out for this past Monday night's Plan Commission meeting!
Many thanks to all those that spent many hours before hand organizing through emails, blogs (, phone calls, house calls, and mailings which all paid off that night. This along with the fact that we had excellent legal representation (Jim was quite excellent). The Plan Commission has indicated their overall general preference to an R1 zoning in their comprehensive plan. The commission decided to continue the meeting on to the next month in order to give residents time to look at their R1 zoning.
We encourage people to turn out for this September Plan Commission meeting so as to let the village know their preference.

Please also feel free to mail your comments to the Plan Commission members c/o the Village of Grayslake

Phillip Mullenix
Karl Molek
Daleen Jackson
Fred Schaefer
Greg Hansen
Carl Miller
Hal Nachenberg
Tom Morris
Gayle Cinke
Village Hall
Village of Grayslake
10 South Seymour
Grayslake, Illinois 60030
Phone: (847) 223-8515
Fax: (847) 223-4821

Mayor’s Office Direct Line: (847) 986-3213

Here's a wonderful testimonial to the current state fo Brae Loch Rd
and as to why it should be left the way it is.

Kathryn P. Bean
Attenborough Way,
Grayslake, IL 60030

September 5, 2007

Planning Commission
Village of Grayslake
10 South Seymour
Grayslake, Illinois 60030

RE: Unincorporated R-1 Parcels on Brae Loch Road

Dear <>:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving your serious and thoughtful consideration to the matter of how Brae Loch Road residential parcels are designated in the Comprehensive Plan. In the 2005 Plan these parcels are shown with an undefined designation of Public/Semi-Public.

As I stated in the meeting on August 13th, Brae Loch Road is one of the most beautiful roads in the village. It exemplifies the spirit of Grayslake as a community with small-town charm. I love this aspect of the village. It is the main thing that attracted me and why I continue to stay.

Turning onto Brae Loch as I head home gives me a feeling of peace and respite after a hectic day. No matter what the season, the stately old trees are like familiar old friends. The area around Willow Lake is an undisturbed wetland that attracts native plants and shelters a variety of wildlife. Just the other day while walking on the path alongside Brae Loch, I observed a number of snowy egrets resting on the island in the middle of Willow Lake.

Some of the families who live on Brae Loch Road have been there for generations. I’m sure that in their wildest dreams they could not have imagined what they have had to endure for the past three years in order to preserve their neighborhood.

It was heartening to hear the commission members voice one by one that (a) the residential R-1 designation should remain; (b) commercial enterprises or townhouses are inappropriate; and (c) that the Comprehensive Plan should reflect the current residential use. There is already more than enough traffic from the college on this small stretch of road. Anything other than single-family homes would exacerbate the noise and hazards posed by existing traffic.

It is my sincere hope that all of the members of the Planning Commission will follow through with the consensus of the last meeting. The long uncertainty hovering over unincorporated Brae Loch Road needs to come to an end. The area should remain single-family residential parcels and be displayed as such in the Comprehensive Plan.

With regret, I will be unable to attend the next meeting on September 10. It is my wish that I have expressed my thoughts well enough in this letter that it will stand in place of my physical presence. Thank you very much for your time and attention.


Kathryn P. Bean


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